

Discover what it takes to become a detective

有兴趣在执法部门从事更专业的工作? 你有找到问题根源并找到解决办法的诀窍吗? 然后你可能想要考虑成为一名侦探或刑事调查员.

成为一名侦探通常需要刑事司法相关领域的学位, as well as some previous experience in law enforcement. 

Take these 6 steps to become a detective:

Criminal Investigators Discussing Case and Examining Photos

1. Understand what a detective does

侦探的主要职责是收集和分析与刑事案件有关的信息. Some of these duties may include but are not limited to:

  • 采访目击者
  • Examining documents (such as photographs or financial records)
  • Observing suspect behavior in real time.


侦探们以能够将线索联系起来并收集证据以逮捕人而闻名, 或者被定罪. Their work is different from a police officer’s in that 侦探们把大部分时间花在分析已经发生的犯罪证据上,而不是积极地阻止犯罪.

通常情况下,侦探会专门研究相关领域,如凶杀、毒品甚至欺诈. 他们通常会从发现事件到逮捕或审判进行犯罪.

在案件的最后, 侦探可能会被要求向法庭提交他们的调查结果,然后法庭可以用来对潜在的嫌疑人立案. 

2. 获得学位

侦探是 经常需要 拥有刑事司法或相关领域的大学学位.

通过Herzing 刑事司法 online programs,你可以在自己的时间里满足这些要求,为成功做好准备.

软件下载两种都有 理学副学士(AS) and Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees in 刑事司法 so you can choose the best path for your career.

类开始 7月8日


3. Earn work experience in law enforcement


侦探s usually begin their careers as police officers, 所以在很多情况下,你可能会在获得你想要的工作所需的学位之前获得工作经验.

另一种可能接触执法的方式是在社区或公共活动中做志愿者. 参加这些活动可以表明你渴望与他人一起建立一个更好的社区.

As part of our criminal justice and homeland security programs, 软件下载提供选修实习机会,让你有机会在你所学的领域中体验工作.

Because you will also be working with experienced instructors, 你也将有机会询问专家,他们建议参加哪些活动来获得工作经验. 在计算或统计分析实验室工作也可能是有益的,因为您作为侦探的工作经常涉及分析和解释数据.

4. 得到认证

证书可以让你在侦探这个角色上更加专业.1 Below are a few common types of certifications for detectives:

5. Meet local credentialing requirements1

成为一名侦探所需要的条件因社区而异. As such, there are typically local credentialing requirements.

一般, 大多数与侦探相关的职位都需要某种形式的大学教育, preferably in a criminal justice related field.

Before committing to a degree path, 你应该检查你所在州的要求,以便更好地了解你需要具备什么资格来胜任侦探或刑事调查员的工作.

6. Find your first job as a detective

一旦你获得了教育、专业经验和相关证书,1 你会大大提高你做侦探的资格.

如果一个学位是你和你一直想要的工作之间的唯一障碍, we exist to help you earn it. Our programs are designed for your professional success. 与赫京大学一起迈向美好的未来.

Learn more about our criminal justice degree programs


1. Certification is not a state requirement.

* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.



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